Michael FayJul 26, 2022Going Way BeyondComplex automixing using a virtual digital mixing console I was so tempted to give this piece a geeky marketing title or sub-header...
Michael Fay & Dan NelsonFeb 9, 2019AV Integration Risk Management Solutions"I was put in charge of finding an AV contractor and I have little or no idea how to pick one, or what to look for. I'm just hoping
Michael FayJul 31, 2016My Heuristic Projection Calculator A modern, predictive modeling applications for Ft. Lamberts and Contrast Ratio.
Michael FayOct 15, 2011So You Think You Want IMag?IMag is an acronym that describes a functional capability within a live video production system. Image Magnification, to be specific, is...
Michael FayJul 22, 2002Audio System Design PhilosophyThree main building blocks make up the foundation of a good sound system for worship. They are: A. The acoustics of the room, building or...